PreK 4 th Six Weeks Happenings
01/06 – 01/10 Winter/ Ice and snow / Artic Animals / Letter Ww / Stories From around the world / Freezing and melting, Polar bears.
01/06 NO school
01/07 Hot lunch Pizza
01/09 AR reward (NUT Day)
01/13 – 01/17 Winter/ Hibernation /Bears/ Teddy bears / letter Aa /
All Together now / Freezing and melting, Polar bears.
01/14 Hot lunch Tacos, beans and rice / National popcorn Day.
01/20 – 01/24 Winter / Penguins / The three bears / Three brown
bears /Many Cultures / Freezing and melting, polar bears. Letter Nn
01/20 NO school / Penguins Awareness Day
01/21 100 th Days of school
01/27 – 01/31 Winter / Hot chocolate / Sleds / Goldilocks / Letter Ss /
Past, present and future / Freezing and melting, Polar bears.
01/28 Hot lunch Spaghetti
01/31 12 PM Dismissal, National Hot Chocolate Day
01/26 - 01/31 Catholic Schools Week (more info. coming)
02/03 – 02/07 Dental Health / Queen of hearts / Letter Qq / Going
places /Freezing and melting, polar bears.
02/04 2PM dismissal / Hot lunch tacos, beans and rice.
02/10 – 02/14 Valentine’s Day / Queen of hearts / Letter Vv /
Symbols of Unity / Freezing and melting, Polar bears.
02/11 Hot lunch Pizza
02/14 Valentine’s party (more info. coming)
02/14 End of the six weeks